Free Geodata
From 1 March 2021 swisstopo will offer all official geodata under federal law under its responsibility in accordance with the principles of "Open Government Data (OGD)". This includes elevation and territory models, geological and national maps. In addition, various digital publications (reports and articles) are affected by the new provisions. The swisstopo-App application will also become completely free of charge.
New conditions of use apply to swisstopo's official geodata. The geodata may be used free of charge, in particular also for commercial purposes. Reference to the source when publishing the data is the only condition. Authorizations and licenses are therefore no longer required.
Detailed terms of use
Download geodata
Depending on the dataset, there are various possibilities for downloading swisstopo geodata. Large datasets are divided into spatial units for downloading. In the case of smaller data sets, you get the entire content in its full geographical extent. A user interface helps you to select and download the geodata. An Application Programming Interface (API) also provides the data.
Download geodata
Use of free geoservices
Orthophotos, national maps and many other data can also be used online via Web Map Service (WMS) or Web Map Tiling Service (WMTS) geoservices. Other web services (location, height, vector tiles, etc.) are also available free of charge. These services allow standardized access to the latest geodata from swisstopo without having to worry about storing or updating the data. In many cases, this is a very interesting alternative to downloading. Geoservices can be used without prior registration (user / password).
Access to Geoservices
Maps and geodata from swisstopo in your app
Offer your mobile users the official national maps of Switzerland and many other maps and data from swisstopo in your app! Integrate them easily with the help of the open source software development kits "Open Swiss Maps SDK" and "Open Mobile Maps SDK".
Software Development Kit