
Dufour Map - Facsimile

In 1988, the Federal Office of Topography reproduced the 25 sheets of the first edition of the Dufour Map as true-to-original offset prints.

State facsimile 1988

Price per sheet: CHF 34.00
Price per set (25 sheets): CHF 390.00

Order by e-mail

In 1988, the Federal Office of Topography reproduced the 25 sheets of the first edition of the Dufour Map as true-to-original offset prints. The maps are available as individual sheets or as a set in a cardboard box.
For all who are interested in the history of Switzerland.

Official name: Topographische Karte der Schweiz (no official English name)

Ellipsoid: Schmidt 1828

Projection: Equivalent conical projection

Point of origin for height measurements: Repère Pierre du Niton 376,2 m above sea level = 'old horizon'


Dufourkarte Einteilung