Geology Reports

Reports of the Swiss Geological Survey - PDF

Scientific series dealing with practical topics relating to the geology of Switzerland, focusing on law enforcement tools and methods. PDF format.

BLG:   Reports of the Swiss Geological Survey
BWG: Reports of the FOWG, Geology Series
GB:     Geological Reports

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57 products

  • Edition: 2024,
  • Author: Lukas Nibourel (FGS), Thomas Galfetti (swisstopo)
  • Pages: 76
  • Description:

    Catalog of the hard rock-bearing geological units in Switzerland. Explanatory notes to the geospatial dataset “Hard rock aggregates: Thickness and quality of geological occurrences”. 76 pages, 2024.

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  • Edition: 2021,
  • Author: Bernhard Hostettler, Volker Dietze, David Jaeggi, Ursula Menkveld-Gfeller, Christophe Nussbaum & Paul Bossart
  • Description:

    Ammonite stratigraphy and fossils of the Passwang Formation (Middle Jurassic) and the Opalinus Clay (Early to Middle Jurassic), excavated in Ga18 and the Niches P3, Passwang and CO2 in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory. 41 S., 2021.

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  • Edition: 2020,
  • Author: J.-P. Hürzeler, M. Bergamini, D. Pozzorini, P.-F. Erard & S. Morandi
  • Pages: 260
  • Description:

    J.-P. Hürzeler, M. Bergamini, D. Pozzorini, P.-F. Erard & S. Morandi: Ceneri-Basistunnel: Geologie, Geotechnik, Hydrogeologie und Bautechnik– zusammenfasender Schlussbericht. 260 S., 5 Tafeln, 2020.

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  • Edition: 1990,
  • Author: B. Keller, H.-R. Bläsi, N.H. Platt, P.S. Mozley, A. Matter
  • Pages: 128
  • Description:

    Sedimentäre Architektur der distalen Unteren Süsswassermolasse und ihre Beziehung zur Diagenese und den petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften am Beispiel der Bohrung Langenthal. Erscheint auch als Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 90-41.

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