Geological Maps
swisstopo is responsible for the national geological survey and publishes, in addition to the maps of the Geological Atlas of Switzerland in scale of 1:25,000, geological maps on various topics in scale of 1:500,000, as well as special geological maps. The geological maps provide information on the geological composition of the subsurface.
Geological Atlas of Switzerland 1:25,000
The sheets of the Geological Atlas, based on the sheet layout and topographic background of the Swiss National Maps, provide detailed information on the uppermost sedimentary and bedrock layers/units.

Explanatory booklet of the GA25
Explanatory booklet of the Geological Atlas of Switzerland 1:25,000. For each sheet, an explanatory booklet is also published, in which the geological formations and special features of the study area are described. Downloadable version in PDF format.

Special Geological Maps
Various different geological and tectonic maps at scales from 1:25,000 to 1:100,000 supplement the information given in the Geological Atlas of Switzerland and the Geological Map 1:500 000.

GeoMaps 1:500,000
A range of six small scale geological, tectonic, hydrogeological, geophysical and paleoglaciological maps of Switzerland. These maps give a broad overview of the composition and major features of the underlying structure of our country.

Gravimetric Atlas of Switzerland 1:100,000
Bouguer anomalies across Switzerland are shown in 22 sheets.

Hydrogeological Map of Switzerland 1:100,000
The Hydrogeological Map 1:100’000 (HYGEO100) provides a regional overview of the occurrence and water flow in the subsurface.

Hiking Maps with Geology
The hiking maps with additional geological information give a unique insight into the geological history of our landscape.